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Cookie Policy

To help analyze how you and other visitors navigate Asia Water Academy website and compile aggregate statistics about site usage and response rates, we, with assistance from third-party analytics service providers, collect certain information when you visit our site. This anonymous information includes geographic location of the device, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request, time(s) of your visit(s), demographics, page views and page elements (e.g., links) that you click. We may use cookies, or other similar tools on our site or in our email messages to assist us in collecting and analyzing such information. We use this information to provide better, more relevant content on our site, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements, to identify and fix problems, and to improve your overall experience on our site.If you do not want information collected using these technologies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to automatically decline many of these technologies, or to be given the choice of declining or accepting them. Certain cookies are required to enable core site functionality and you cannot choose to disable those cookies.